Monday, June 13, 2011

Freshman Night One

Last night we had our first night of welcoming the freshmen into the youth group. These nights are hosted by the seniors who find funny and creative ways to introduce the freshmen to the rest of the group.

After the introductions and a few silly questions, each freshmen does a funny task. A crowd favorite was one boy who can unwrap and eat a fruit roll up without using his hands!

The last and most special part of this night is the encouragement portion. Every freshmen is highlighted as 2 or 3 people from the youth group, including one senior, stands up and speaks about the things they see in that student and encourages them in their faith.

After this, all the seniors lay hands on the freshmen and pray over their time in high school and their time in the youth group.

And then we had the opportunity to celebrate Jewel & Isa's birthdays with yummy cupcakes!

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